
Use Python, Google Spreadsheet, Google Shortener and CALLR API to automate your apartment search in Paris.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Use Python, Google Spreadsheet, Google Shortener and CALLR API to automate your apartment search in Paris.


Read the related article on the CALLR blog.


  • create the necessary Google Developers and CALLR accounts to enable access to necessary APIs as described in the article

  • install the requirements

  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • create some environment variables

    • SPREADSHEET_URL for URL of the Google Spreadsheet you'll use
    • LOGIN and PASSWORD for the CALLR API credentials
    • API_KEY for the Google API key
    • PHONE for your telephone number in E.164 format


Go to PAP.fr and search for an apartment. Save the URL of the result page, and set it as value for the SEARCH_PAGE variable in the script.

Run it with the python bot.py command on your console. You should see the results pooring into your Google spreadsheet in near real-time.

Next time you run the bot, if new results not yet in your spreadsheet have appeared, you'll receive an SMS alert for each of them.
