
Ansible playbook for configuring mariadb on CentOS using podman

Ansible playbook for setup mariadb using podman on CentOS host

Tested on AWS LightSail instance with CentOS Stream 9 image

How to run this playbook

  1. Make sure you have ansible installed.
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. cd into the directory you just cloned.
  4. Create hosts.ini file using hosts.ini.example file provided.
  5. You may run ansible <machine-name-in-host.ini> -m ping first to test your connection to your machine.
  6. If everything all set run the following command
ansible-playbook setup.yml
ansible-playbook podman.yml
  1. Check if mariadb container you just create is running via ansible <machine-name-in-host.ini> -a "podman ps"