
A lightweight client library for JVM-based applications that helps you to track page views, events, visits using the Matomo Tracking API

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

🔍 Matomo Tracking API Java Client

Maven Central Java CI with Maven ko-fi

⚠️ This library was integrated into the official Matomo Java Tracker library

A lightweight client library for JVM-based applications that helps you to track page views, events, visits using the Matomo Tracking API:

  • Automatically performs bulk requests with a configurable delay (default: 1 second)
  • Keeps queries until the request was transmitted successfully: If requests fail, the queries will not get lost.
  • Supports nearly all tracking parameters
  • The request API is designed with fluent builders and immutability.
  • Performs asynchronous calls so that your application is not influenced by the Matomo endpoint speed
  • Easy to use
  • Well documented with Javadoc
  • Ensures correct values are sent to Matomo Tracking API
  • Includes debug logging
  • Minimal dependencies (only SLF4J and JSR-305 annotations)
  • Easy to integrate in frameworks, e.g. Spring: Just create the MatomoTracker Spring bean and use it in other beans

🔧 Usage

Include the dependency using Maven


or Gradle with Groovy DSL:

implementation 'org.drjekyll:matomo-tracker:1.2.0'

or Gradle with Kotlin DSL:


Run your build tool and add the tracker like in the following example:

TrackerConfiguration config = TrackerConfiguration.builder()
  .defaultSiteId(42) // if not explicitly specified by action

// Prepare the tracker (stateless - can be used for multiple actions)
MatomoTracker tracker = new MatomoTracker(config);

// Track an action
CompletableFuture<Void> future = tracker.track(Action.builder()
  .name("User Profile / Upload Profile Picture")
  // ...

// If you want to ensure the request has been handled:
  // log, throw, ...

This example sends a request to a Matomo endpoint. Usually many more parameters should be set.

⚙️ Tracker Parameters

The Matomo Tracker currently supports the following builder methods:

  • .apiEndpoint(...) An URI object that points to the Matomo Tracking API endpoint of your Matomo installation. Must be set.
  • .defaultSiteId(...) If you provide a default site id, it will be taken if the action does not contain a site id.
  • .defaultTokenAuth(...) If you provide a default token auth, it will be taken if the action does not contain a token auth.
  • .delay(...) The duration on how long the tracker collects actions until they will be sent out as a bulk request. Default: 1 seconds
  • .enabled(...) The tracker is enabled per default. You can disable it per configuration with this flag.
  • .logFailedTracking(...) Will send errors to the log if the Matomo Tracking API responds with an errornous HTTP code
  • .connectTimeout(...) allows you to change the default connection timeout of 10 seconds. 0 is interpreted as infinite, null uses the system default
  • .socketTimeout(...) allows you to change the default socket timeout of 10 seconds. 0 is interpreted as infinite, null uses the system default
  • .userAgent(...) used by the request made to the endpoint is MatomoJavaClient per default. You can change it by using this builder method.
  • .proxyHost(...) The hostname or IP address of an optional HTTP proxy. proxyPort must be configured as well
  • .proxyPort(...) The port of an HTTP proxy. proxyHost must be configured as well.
  • .proxyUserName(...) If the HTTP proxy requires a user name for basic authentication, it can be configured with this method. Proxy host, port and password must also be set.
  • .proxyPassword(...) The corresponding password for the basic auth proxy user. The proxy host, port and user name must be set as well.

😎 Development

To build and locally install the library and run the tests, just call

mvn install

🤝 Contributing

Please read the contribution document for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

📓 Versioning

We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.

📜 License

This project is licensed under the LGPL License - see the license file for details.

📢 Release Notes


Country.fromLanguageRanges now checks whether ranges are empty on extraction of country from language ranges.


Dependency updates


Requests will be sent as bulk requests now. The tracker waits a configurable duration (default: 1 second) until it sends out the collected requests.


Allow to enable connection error logging


First public version