
Implementation of Paystack Transaction API From the Backend Using ExpressJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Paystack API Integration

This project demonstrates how to integrate the Paystack payment gateway into a backend application built with Express.js and MongoDB.


This project provides a simple example of integrating the Paystack API for processing payments within a Node.js and Express.js environment. It showcases basic functionalities such as creating transactions, verifying payments, and handling callbacks from Paystack.


  1. Create Transactions: Allows users to initiate transactions through Paystack.

  2. Verify Payments: Verifies payment status and details using Paystack API.

Technologies Used

  • Node.js: JavaScript runtime environment
  • Express.js: Web application framework for Node.js
  • MongoDB: NoSQL database for storing transaction data
  • Paystack API: Payment gateway for processing online payments

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/dhelafrank/Paystack-API-Integration.git
  1. Install Dependencies
cd Paystack-API-Integration
npm install
  1. Set up enviromental variables by using the sample from .env.sample make sure to replace the placeholder with your actual data

  2. Start the server

npm start
  1. Access your application from the port logged on the console


  • Use the provided endpoints to interract with the Paystack API
  • Refer to the API documentation for detailed instructions

API Endpoints

  • POST /api/v1/initialize: Initiate a new transaction
  • GET /api/v1/verifyPayment: Verify a transaction
  • POST /api/v1/getPayment: Get a transaction reciept


This project is licensed under the MIT License