
Ansible role that installs and configures PostgreSQL database

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Ansible Role: PostgreSQL

Installs and configures PostgreSQL database server



Role Variables

NOTE: defaults determined by environment. Centos7 has been tested the most, other environments may require adjustment.

postgres_version_major:     0
postgres_version_minor:     0
postgres_version_patch:     0
postgres_version:           "{{ postgres_version_major }}.{{ postgres_version_minor }}.{{ postgres_version_patch }}"
postgres_debugging:         "{{ debugging | default(false) }}"
postgres_data_directory:    "{{ postgres_default_data_directory }}"
postgres_bindir:            "{{ postgres_default_bindir }}"
postgres_setup:             "{{ postgres_default_setup }}"
postgres_service:           "{{ postgres_default_service }}"
postgres_legacy:            false # currently used to support Centos6
postgres_admin_user:        "{{ db_admin_user   | default('postgres') }}"
postgres_create_users:      "{{ db_create_users | default(false) }}"
postgres_users:             "{{ db_users        | default(default_db_users) }}"
  - user:                   "example_user"
    pass:                   "don't_really_use_this"
    db:                     "you_can_omit_db"
    flags:                  "CREATEDB,NOSUPERUSER"

postgres_default_encoding:  "UTF-8"

postgres_create_databases:  "{{ db_create_databases | default(false) }}"
postgres_databases:         "{{ db_databases        | default(default_databases) }}"
  - name:                   "example_db"
    encoding:               "{{ postgres_default_encoding }}"
    owner:                  "example_user"

# NOTE: if you template the hba config by setting a value for this variable,
# you must either include all entries for all environments that will share the
# database server in the template, or redundantly define them as postgres_hba_entries
# in each environment's group vars (e.g. test and stage must include each other's
# entries in their group vars). Otherwise, the template will overwrite any
# existing entries, and the group's vars will only replace their own entries.
# Therefore, by default, we are no longer templating a default config, and can
# thereby allow each environment's group vars to only be responsible for its own entries
postgres_hba_template:      ""
  - type:                   "local"
    database:               "all"
    user:                   "all"
    address:                ""
    method:                 "md5"

postgres_listen_addresses:  "*"

  - "format=custom"
  - "oids"
  - "no-owner"
  - "no-acl"

postgres_extra_packages:  []
postgres_extensions:      []

postgres_upgrade_ok:      false
postgres_upgrade_cleanup: false
postgres_cleanup_scripts: []



Example Playbook

NOTE: this role must be run with become: true

- hosts: db
  - { role: postgres, tags: ['postgres'], become: true }



Author Information

Drew Heles