
The Spotify Web API wrapper for Kotlin

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Kotlin Spotify Web API

This is the Kotlin implementation of the Spotify Web API

Have a question?

If you have a question, you can:

  1. Create an issue
  2. Read (but that's hard)
  3. Contact me using Adam#9261 on Discord or by sending me an email


  1. Downloading
  2. Creating a SpotifyAPI or SpotifyClientAPI object
  3. What is the SpotifyRestAction class?
  4. Using the Library


This library is available via Maven Central.




compile group: 'com.adamratzman', name: 'spotify-api-kotlin', version: '2.0.0'

To use the latest snapshot instead, you must add the Jitpack repository

repositories {
	maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Then, you can use the following:

dependencies {
	compile 'com.github.adamint:spotify-web-api-kotlin:dev-SNAPSHOT'

Creating a SpotifyAPI or SpotifyClientAPI object

In order to use the methods in this library, you must create either a SpotifyAPI or SpotifyClientAPI object using their respective exposed builders. Client-specific methods are unable to be accessed with the generic SpotifyAPI, rather you must create an instance of the Client API.


The SpotifyAPI Token automatically regenerates when needed. To build it, you must pass the application id and secret.

import com.adamratzman.spotify.main.SpotifyScope
import com.adamratzman.spotify.main.spotifyApi

spotifyApi {
    credentials {
        clientId = "YOUR_CLIENT_ID"
        clientSecret = "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET"

Note: You are unable to use any client endpoint without authenticating with the methods below.


All endpoints inside SpotifyAPI can be accessed within the SpotifyClientAPI. Its automatic refresh is available only when building with an authorization code or a Token object. Otherwise, it will expire Token#expires_in seconds after creation.

You have two options when building the Client API.

  1. You can use Implicit Grant access tokens with Builder.buildToken(token: String). However, this is a one-time token that cannot be refreshed.
  2. You can use the Authorization code flow. We provide a method with Builder.buildAuthCode(code: String, automaticRefresh: Boolean)to generate the flow url with Builder.getAuthUrl(vararg spotifyScopes: Scope), allowing you to request specific spotifyScopes. This library does not provide a method to retrieve the code from your callback URL. You must implement that with a web server. This method allows you to choose whether to use automatic token refresh.

What is the SpotifyRestAction class?

I wanted users of this library to have as much flexibility as possible. This includes options for asynchronous and blocking execution in all endpoints. However, due to this, you must call one of the provided methods in order for the call to execute! The SpotifyRestAction provides four methods for use: 1 blocking and 3 async.

  • complete() blocks the current thread and returns the result
  • queue() executes and immediately returns
  • queue(consumer: (T) -> Unit) executes the provided callback as soon as the request is asynchronously evaluated
  • queueAfter(quantity: Int, timeUnit: TimeUnit, consumer: (T) -> Unit) executes the provided callback after the provided time. As long as supplier execution is less than the provided time, this will likely be accurate within a few milliseconds.
  • asFuture() transforms the supplier into a CompletableFuture


Separate from SpotifyRestAction, this specialized implementation of RestActions is just for [PagingObject]. This class gives you the same functionality as SpotifyRestAction, but you also have the ability to retrieve all of its items or linked PagingObjects with a single method call to getAllItems() or getAllPagingObjects() respectively

Using the Library

The benefits of LinkedResults, PagingObjects, and Cursor-based Paging Objects

Spotify provides these three object models in order to simplify our lives as developers. So let's see what we can do with them!


PagingObjects are a container for the requested objects (items), but also include important information useful in future calls. It contains the request's limit and offset, along with (sometimes) a link to the next and last page of items and the total number of items returned.

If a link to the next or previous page is provided, we can use the getNext and getPrevious methods to retrieve the respective PagingObjects

Cursor-Based Paging Objects

A cursor-based paging object is a PagingObject with a cursor added on that can be used as a key to find the next page of items. The value in the cursor, after, describes after what object to begin the query.

Just like with PagingObjects, you can get the next page of items with getNext. However, there is no provided implementation of after in this library. You will need to do it yourself, if necessary.


Some endpoints, like PlaylistsAPI.getPlaylistTracks, return a LinkedResult, which is a simple wrapper around the list of objects. With this, we have access to its Spotify API url (with href), and we provide simple methods to parse that url.

Generic Request

For obvious reasons, in most cases, making asynchronous requests via queue or queueAfter is preferred. However, the synchronous format is also shown.

import com.adamratzman.spotify.main.SpotifyScope
import com.adamratzman.spotify.main.spotifyApi

val spotifyApi = spotifyApi {
    credentials {
        clientId = "YOUR_CLIENT_ID"
        clientSecret = "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET"

// block and print out the names of the twenty most similar songs to the search
spotifyApi.search.searchTrack("Début de la Suite").complete().map { it.name }.joinToString().let { println(it) }

// now, let's do it asynchronously
spotifyApi.search.searchTrack("Début de la Suite").queue { it.map { it.name }.joinToString().let { println(it) } }

// simple, right? what about if we want to print ou the featured playlists message from the "Overview" tab?
spotifyApi.browse.getFeaturedPlaylists().complete().message.let { println(it )}

// easy! let's try something a little harder
// let's find out Bénabar's Spotify ID, find his top tracks, and print them out

spotifyApi.search.searchArtist("Bénabar").complete()[0].id.let { id -> 
    spotifyApi.artists.getArtistTopTracks(id).complete().joinToString { it.name }.let { println(it) }

Track Relinking

Spotify keeps many instances of most tracks on their servers, available in different markets. As such, if we use endpoints that return tracks, we do not know if these tracks are playable in our market. That's where track relinking comes in.

To relink in a specified market, we must supply a market parameter for endpoints where available. In both Track and SimpleTrack objects in an endpoint response, there is a nullable field called linked_from. If the track is unable to be played in the specified market and there is an alternative that is playable, this will be populated with the href, uri, and, most importantly, the id of the track.

You can then use this track in clientApi actions such as playing or saving the track, knowing that it will be playable in your market!



Endpoint List


  • AlbumAPI (SpotifyAPI.albums)
    1. getAlbum returns found Album
    2. getAlbums returns found Albums. Use for multiple
    3. getAlbumTracks returns a LinkedResult (with href to album) of SimpleTracks
  • ArtistAPI (SpotifyAPI.artists)
    1. getArtist returns the found artist
    2. getArtists returns a list of Artist objects. Use for multiple.
    3. getArtistAlbums returns a LinkedResult of SimpleAlbums representing the Artist's albums
    4. getArtistTopTracks returns a List of full Track objects
    5. getRelatedArtists returns a List of Artist objects relating to the searched artist
  • BrowseAPI (SpotifyAPI.browse)
    1. getNewReleases returns a PagingObject of recent Albums
    2. getFeaturedPlaylists returns a FeaturedPlaylists object of playlists featured by Spotify
    3. getCategoryList returns a PagingObject of official Spotify categories
    4. getCategory returns a singular SpotifyCategory object by id
    5. getPlaylistsForCategory returns a PagingObject of top simple playlists for the specified category id
    6. getRecommendations returns a RecommendationResponse. Parameters include seed artists, genres, tracks, and tuneable track attributes listed here
  • PublicFollowingAPI (SpotifyAPI.publicFollowing)
    1. doUsersFollowPlaylist returns a List of Booleans corresponding to the order in which ids were specified
  • PlaylistsAPI (SpotifyAPI.playlists)
    1. getPlaylists returns a PagingObject of SimplePlaylists the user has
    2. getPlaylist returns a full Playlist object of the specified user and playlist id
    3. getPlaylistTracks returns a LinkedResult (linked with the playlist url) of PlaylistTracks
    4. getPlaylistCovers returns an ordered list of SpotifyImages for the specified playlist.
  • SearchAPI (SpotifyAPI.search) It is possible to have 0 results and no exception thrown with these methods. Check the size of items returned.
    1. searchPlaylist returns a PagingObject of Playlists ordered by likelihood of correct match
    2. searchTrack returns a PagingObject of SimpleTracks (not tracks!) ordered by likelihood of correct match
    3. searchArtist returns a PagingObject of Artists ordered by likelihood of correct match.
    4. searchAlbum returns a PagingObject of SimpleAlbums (not albums!) ordered by likelihood of correct match
  • TracksAPI (SpotifyAPI.tracks)
    1. getTrack returns the full Track object of the id searched.
    2. getTracks returns an ordered list of Tracks
    3. getAudioAnalysis returns the corresponding track analysis. This takes up to a few seconds to process.
    4. getAudioFeatures returns the AudioFeatures for the track
    5. getAudioFeatures(vararg trackIds: String) returns an ordered list of AudioFeatures. Time is not linear by track amount
  • PublicUserAPI (SpotifyAPI.users)
    1. getProfile returns the corresponding SpotifyPublicUser object. Pay attention to nullable parameters.


Make sure your application has requested the proper Scopes in order to ensure proper function of this library.

Check to see which Scope is necessary with the corresponding endpoint using the links provided for each API below

  • PersonalizationAPI (SpotifyClientAPI.personalization)
    1. getTopArtists returns an Artist PagingObject representing the most played Artists by the user
    2. getTopTracks returns a Track PagingObject representing the most played Tracks by the user
  • ClientUserAPI (SpotifyClientAPI.userProfile)
    1. getUserInformation returns SpotifyUserInformation object, a much more detailed version of the public user object.
  • UserLibraryAPI (SpotifyClientAPI.userLibrary)
    1. getSavedTracks returns a PagingObject of saved tracks in the user's library
    2. getSavedAlbums returns a PagingObject of saved albums in the user's library
    3. savedTracksContains returns an ordered List of Booleans of whether the track exists in the user's library corresponding to entered ids
    4. savedAlbumsContains returns an ordered List of Booleans of whether the album exists in the user's library corresponding to entered ids.
    5. saveTracks saves the entered tracks to the user's library. Returns nothing
    6. saveAlbums saves the entered albums to the user's library. Returns nothing
    7. removeSavedTracks removes the entered tracks from the user's library. Nothing happens if the track is not found. Returns nothing
    8. removeSavedAlbums removes the entered albums from the user's library. Nothing happens if the album is not found in the library. Returns nothing
  • FollowingAPI (SpotifyClientAPI.userFollowing)
    1. followingUsers returns an ordered List of Booleans representing if the user follows the specified users
    2. followingArtists returns an ordered List of Booleans representing if the user follows the specified artists
    3. getFollowedArtists returns a Cursor-Based Paging Object of followed Artists.
    4. followUsers follows the specified users. Cannot be used with artists. Returns nothing
    5. followArtists follows the specified artists. Cannot be mixed with users. Returns nothing
    6. followPlaylist follows the specified playlist. Returns nothing
    7. unfollowUsers unfollows the specified users. Cannot be used with artists. Returns nothing
    8. unfollowArtists unfollows the specified artists. Cannot be mixed with users. Returns nothing
    9. unfollowPlaylist unfollows the specified playlist. Returns nothing
  • PlayerAPI (SpotifyClientAPI.player) The methods in this API are in beta and in flux as per Spotify. They will be documented in the near future.
  • ClientPlaylistsAPI (SpotifyClientAPI.clientPlaylists)
    1. createPlaylist creates the playlist and returns its full Playlist representation
    2. addTrackToPlaylist adds the entered tracks to the playlist. Returns nothing
    3. changePlaylistDescription changes the description of the playlist. Returns nothing
    4. getClientPlaylists returns a PagingObject of SimplePlaylists the user has created
    5. reorderTracks reorders the tracks in the playlist and returns the current Snapshot
    6. replaceTracks replaces tracks in the playlist and returns the current Snapshot