
Ruby Semantic Version class

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT



A small Ruby utility class to aid in the storage, parsing, and comparison of SemVer-style Version strings.

See the SemVer site for more details.


This library exposes a single class – Semantic::Version. Simply pass in a valid SemVer string to the initializer.

require 'semantic'

version = Semantic::Version.new '1.6.5'
version.major             # => 1
version.minor             # => 6
version.patch             # => 5

newer_version = Semantic::Version.new '1.7.0'
version > newer_version   # => false
newer_version <=> version # => 1

complex_version = Semantic::Version.new '3.7.9-pre.1+revision.15723'
complex_version.pre       # => "pre.1"
complex_version.build     # => "revision.15623"

There is also a set of core extensions as an optional require:

require 'semantic'
require 'semantic/core_ext'



Copyright (c) 2012 Josh Lindsey. See LICENSE for details.