- abduld
- DarrenNBrooklyn
- dvanhorn@plum-umd
- dxnn
- fiigii@NVIDIA
- fogusCognitect / Nubank
- foo123WorkingClassCode
- ghosthamletThe Rest Is Silence of Code
- gjohnsonAWS
- humanchimpPortland, OR
- igstanEloquentix
- int3Facebook
- itegebo
- jacob414Retired programmer, mostly climate activist nowadays
- jameswfoster
- jeanlauliacLondon, UK
- jhermsmeierGermany
- jornhDenmark
- keeyip
- kumavis@MetaMask
- lewisbrownLewis Brown & Assoc.
- liyi1234Ju Jiang, China
- lotrealchongqing, china
- michaelficarra@shapesecurity, part of @f5networks
- mrbReify
- pillowsoftPillowSoft LLC
- sam-splat
- samkuhnUK
- samthPLT @ Indiana University
- shadeglare@rathe-tech, @hexarc-software
- shiwano(`・ω・´)ゞ
- slatteryNew Haven, CT
- traviskaufmanTrue3D Technologies, Inc.
- zahoorwang
- zeeshanlakhaniPapers We Love | Oxide Computer Company | CMU