I like computers and people. I’ve spent my career helping people express their thoughts through the code they write and the tools they use to write it.
LinkedInSan Francisco, CA
dherman's Followers
- aldrshanAtlanta Georgia
- azwpayneAntGroup Inc
- devnicolasbakerMarietta, GA
- diviyeshpatel@BWLegal
- eporroaLima, Peru
- eust-w求职中,有合适岗位请联系我,谢谢您
- Gug-SoftwareGuG Software
- haazaa@falconitconsultant
- hu8813Vienna, Austria
- juliofleitas
- karpolanKARPOLAN
- mmeents
- mwahid-kubra
- parkin-lin
- passiondev2024NearSure
- pavlosnoulisInstashop
- qiang1234zhangwistronits
- r2abreuLondon
- reed6868
- rnd7Intuity Media Lab
- Robbin1998s
- samarjitsahooIndia, Asia 🇮🇳
- SamuelRocha91Salvador, Bahia, Brasil
- shrsvBangalore
- sumeet-srknecInformatica
- Super1Windcloudhttps://gitee.com/SuperWindcloud
- svdspradeepLexisNexis Risk Solutions
- Talhasaleem110Sindh autos bandhi
- VenkateswaraT@finite-loop
- Voronar
- Web-Dev-CodiBerlin, Germany
- yangchaojun
- YukiSouSingapore
- zachary013Hashtag 64
- zeon-neon@NeonGamerBot