
Helm Chart for an arm64 raspberry pi k3s cluster.

Primary LanguageSmarty


This is a Helm Chart for an openhab environment running on a k3s raspberry pi cluster. It will introduce an influxdb storage and a grafana board.


You would need a k3s cluster up and running on your raspberry pi. For storage, the longhorn persistence volume manager has to be installed.


Use helm to install this chart on your raspberry pi k3s cluster:

helm upgrade --install oh /Users/dirk/workspace/openhab-helm-chart 

Afterwards you should be able to access openhab using your k3s master node ip-address:


Accessing the Logfiles

You can access the logfiles by simply accessing the openhab pod. So find out it's name by

kubectl get pods

and then:

kubectl exec --stdin --tty oh-openhab-helm-chart-58f7f9cf89-p7zw8 -- /bin/bash

Getting the grafana admin password

To access the grafana board, you would initially have to discover the admin password to do so:

kubectl get secret --namespace default oh-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo