
Primary LanguageVue


EasyTurk is a web interface that helps user (and, in particular, researchers) to easily submit tasks to Amazon Mechanical Turk. In particular, EasyTurk adds two features that are not included out-of-the-box in the original Amazon tool, but that can be implemented using the APIs:

  • Merging more than one record, that need to be annotated, in a single HIT, overtaking the limitation of the official interface.
  • Possibility to specify a gold standard question for each HIT, and specifying the behavior of the system w.r.t. the answer given to that question.
  • Automatic rejection of HITs where the gold standard question has been mistaken by the worker.
  • Possibility to block (or disable) a worker when an answer is given too quickly.
  • Possibility to block (or disable) a worker when their long-term performance is below a certain threshold.

AWS configuration

  • Login to the AWS console.
  • Go to Simple Notification Service.
  • Create new subscription pointing to the sns.php file on your server (see below).
  • In the Mturk Requester developer console, link your Amazon account and create the access keys.

Database configuration

  • Create a MySQL user and database accessible to the user.
  • In the inc folder, copy config-sample.php into config.php and fill the variables with the database information.
  • Open mturk.sql file, and replace AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and ARN_CODE with the corresponding values, taken from the AWS website.
  • In mturk.sql one can also replace:
    • username (default user)
    • password (default password, saved in the database using MD5)
    • region_name (default us-east-1)
    • use_sandbox, a boolean value to set whether the user will use the Mturk sandbox (default 1, meaning "yes").
  • Load mturk.sql into MySQL, using the above-created user.

Running the php server

Folders api, server, and inc must be copied to a server where php is installed and the database is reachable. The folder api must be accessible from the web (e.g. using Apache or Ngnix web servers). All the API commands are managed by the api/index.php file. The server/server.php file has to be executed as a deamon. It is used to submit the HITs and update the database when the workers answer

Web interface setup

Before running the interface, add the environment variable VUE_APP_SERVER_INSTANCE with a value such as https://myserveraddress.com/easyturk/api/. It can be easily done by creating a .env.local file in the root folder. Then, from the root of the project, run npm install and npm run serve. Finally, go to http://localhost:8080 and login with credentials user and password (if not changed in the previous steps).

Compiles and minifies for production

Run npm run build to compiles the project for production.