
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

LBNL Building Energy Database Project

Script directory: ~/scripts

Data directory: ~/data

Main scripts

  1. ion_get_data.py (getter)

    Given an input file of information on desired meters, pulls meter data from the ION database.

  2. jci_get_data.py (getter)

    Same as above script, except for JCI meters. Note that the input file has a different structure (details found in usage)

  3. load_data_files.py (loader)

    Loads data pulled from the JCI and ION data getter scripts into the Postgres database holding building energy data. Note that the extracted data is of a specific format independent of database source.


Run the getter script(s) to get desired data. Next run the loader script to import the extracted data into the Postgres database.

It is assumed that the information provided in the input files for the getter scripts pertain to new meters, i.e. meters for which the data is being pulled for the first time. Furthermore, the time period for meter readings must be specified in advance.

Example usage:

ion_get_data.py YOUR_INFO_FILE.csv

load_data_files.py (using default arguments)


The loader script assumes that the Postgres database has been set up beforehand. A PDF of the database schema can be found in schema.pdf

Both getter scripts (as well as the below scripts) require login privileges to access the ION and JCI databases. Similarly, the loader script requires login and admin privileges to access and modify the Postgres database.

Other scripts

  • ion_run_sql.py
  • jci_run_sql.py


Both scripts simply run a SQL statement contained in an input file on the corresponding database. The full path to the SQL file must be specified. Generally, the input files are located in the ~/sql directory.

Example usage

python ion_run_sql.py YOUR_SQL_FILE.sql

Last updated: 2015-05-26