
Collection of my various certificates


My collection of certificates

Scrum Fundamentals

Scrum Fundamentals

SQL Basic

SQL Basic

SQL Intermediate

SQL Intermediate

IBM Exploratory Data Analysis for Machine Learning

Exploratory Data Analysis for Machine Learning

IBM Supervised Machine Learning: Regression

IBM Supervised Machine Learning: Regression

Image Processing with Keras in Python

Image Processing with Keras in Python



Data Visualization

Data Visualization

Intro to Machine Learning

Learn the core ideas in machine learning, and build your first models.

Intro to Machine Learning

Intermediate Machine Learning

Handle missing values, non-numeric values, data leakage, pipelines, cross-validation and XGBoost.

Intermediate Machine Learning

Intro to Deep Learning

Use TensorFlow and Keras to build and train neural networks for structured data.

Intro to Deep Learning

Intro to SQL

Learn SQL for working with databases, using Google BigQuery.

Intro to SQL and BigQuery

Advanced SQL

Join, Union, Analytic Functions, Nested and Repeated Data and Efficient queries using Google BigQuery.

Intro to SQL and BigQuery