Pantau Pemilu 2024

This project is still in development so there will be frequent code changes


Pantau Pemilu 2024 is a project to monitor the 2024 election in Indonesia. This project is a scraper to get the data from the KPU website.

This project was created using Bun, fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime.

Build with:

Getting Started

Clone the repository:

git clone

Install dependencies:

bun install

Generate and migrate database:

bun db:generate && bun db:migrate

Open database studio:

bun db:studio

Available Commands

Template commands: {election} {command}

Election list:

  • pilpres
  • dpr
  • dpd
  • dprd-prov
  • dprd-kabkot

Available commands:

You can see all available here: src/index.ts

  • bun start pilpres get-wilayah
  • bun start pilpres get-tps-detail
  • bun start pilpres get-tps-detail-2
  • bun start pilpres update-tps-detail
  • others command still in development