normativeTypesJava is a Java module containing helper classes which implement and provide support for the EPICS V4 Normative Types.
The latter are a set of standard high-level data types to aid interoperability of EPICS V4 applications and are specified in the NormativeTypes Specification.
The current version implements fully the 16 Mar 2015 version of the Normative Types Specification.
The module status is alpha and the API and behaviour may change signifcantly in future versions.
The is no documentation (i.e. ntJava.html) yet.
normativeTypesJava depends on pvDataJava.
Building normativeTypesJava from the source module requires maven.
To build type
mvn compile install
To clean
mvn clean
Building the module will generate jars of the .class files, the source and the javadoc.
To unzip the a jar, for example the javadoc jar, type
java xf <name-of-jar>
java xf normativeTypesJava-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar
from the directory containing the jar.
To use normativeTypesJava in a Java application, add the location of the jar containing the .class files to your CLASSPATH
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:<path-to-nt-jar>
You will also need to do the same for pvDataJava.