
Source code for "Bibliometrics for Social Validation"

Primary LanguagePython



This repository contains several tools for citation network construction and analysis, originally developed for the project described in bibliometrics.pdf. The folders contain a series of Python 3 scripts, intended to be used sequentially as follows:

Flow diagram for data sources, files, and scripts

  • get_dois: Starting with a xml file exported from EndNote, extract a list of DOIs and a search string that can be copied and pasted directly into Scopus' advanced search box.

  • In Scopus, manually retrieve "generation 1." (See the project description for an explanation for this term.)

  • scrape: Starting with the csv file for generation 1, retrieve the desired metadata.

    • scrape.get_meta_by_doi, which actually builds the query for the Scopus API, assumes that an API key has been defined as MY_API_KEY in api_key.py. A new Scopus API key can be generated by registering for free on the Scopus API page.
    • My project required retrieving metadata for something like 30-50,000 articles.
    • Since the Scopus API being used has a limit cap of something like 2,000 articles per week, I contacted Scopus to arrange for a limit cap raise. It took a few weeks to negotiate the cap raise.
    • The raised cap was still too low to retrieve all of the required metadata in one run. The module batch.py was written to break the retrieval list into manageable chunks.
    • run_scrape.py actually works through the metadata retrieval process.
  • build_net: Using the metadata retrieved from Scopus, build citation and coauthor networks. Each of the resulting graphml files contains a single connected network.

    • Installing graph_tool is nontrivial. However, especially if compiled with the --enable-openmp flag, it is significantly faster than any of the other major Python network analysis packages.
  • analyze_net: Using the graphml files and two "comparison networks," conduct the actual network analysis.

    • The "comparison networks" are citation networks grabbed from arXiv, with papers from January 1993 to April 2003. They can be found here and here.
  • ida.R: IMO, Python is better for manipulating complex data structures, but R has better tools for generating publication-quality tables and plots, and a nicer interactive IDE. This R file helps us do this with the graphml files generated by analyze_net.

  • In review, an ad hoc text analysis was added of the core paper abstracts. This analysis, and supplement text, are found in text analysis.