
Attempt to build python module with GPU offloading

Primary LanguageC++


This is an attempt to build a CPython extension using OpenMP offloading to GPUs at NERSC. Thus far we have not been successful.

Information on NERSC GPUs:

Enviroment setup for clang

module load gcc/7.3.0 cuda/9.2.148 llvm/10.0.0-git_20190828 python
module load esslurm

When submitting the job you will likely need to change the -A flag in the submit_*.sh scripts to match your account.

Build straight executable and test

clang -fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=nvptx64-nvidia-cuda myomp.cc mymain.cc -o mymain
sbatch submit_mymain.sh

Try exe with shared lib

clang -fPIC -shared -fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=nvptx64-nvidia-cuda myomp.cc -o libmyomp.so
clang -c mymain.cc
clang mymain.o -L. -lmyomp -o mymain2
sbatch submit_mymain2.sh

Linking to this shared library works with gcc as well (also on gpu-002)

The following links and runs correctly. If we copy libmyomp.so to gpu-002 the same also works properly.

g++ -c mymain.cc
g++ mymain.o -L. -lmyomp -o mymain3
sbatch submit_mymain3.sh

Build AddTwo module with setuptools. Running segfaults

python setup.py build_ext --inplace

Running also fails:

python run.py