
A repository with the reference layout for generating protos with GPM

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A repository with the reference layout for generating protos with GPM.


The basic structure expected by the grpc-proto-manager is a simple set of directories from the project root, each of them containing a set of .proto files. Optionally, you may specify a .protolangs file with the target languages for the generation.

├── | <high-level-entity>
│   ├── [.protolangs]
│   └── myprotofile.proto


To specify how the generation should be done, GPM expects a .gpm.yaml at the root project level. The contents of this file are as follows:

tempPath: /tmp/gpm
repositoryProvider: github
repositoryOrganization: dhiguero
defaultLanguage: go


  • tempPath: Specifies the path of a temporal directory used to create intermediate code.
  • repositoryProvider: Selects the type of repository interface.
  • repositoryOrganization: Selects the the target organization in the repository provider. In the example, it translates into the generated code being pushed to github.com/dhiguero/grpc-<high-level-entity>-<language>.
  • defaultLanguage: Defines the target language if the .protolangs file is not found.

For further information check the YAML format on GPM.