- 1
- 0
Pause/resume methods
#351 opened by dhilt - 6
Multiple scroll components with windowViewport
#347 opened by muchbetterug - 0
Custom Routines
#349 opened by dhilt - 4
Is it possible to implement nested uiScroll?
#346 opened by tradingproject19 - 2
Object reference after appending
#345 opened by muchbetterug - 4
- 1
Angular 16 compatibility ?
#336 opened by ThibDums - 11
- 5
- 2
- 2
remove\update\prepend does not work properly
#333 opened by coloz - 3
Sluggish on iOS
#324 opened by muchbetterug - 1
Nested cdkVirtualFor in cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport
#322 opened by kevalgw - 6
Data loading is abnormal when scrolling up
#320 opened by coloz - 3
Item separation
#318 opened by erikjons - 6
#316 opened by muchbetterug - 11
How to use Ngx UI Scroll with Ngrx?
#306 opened by GitHubish - 2
- 2
- 3
@angular/cli throws ngcc error when building v2.3.1
#299 opened by dpraul - 23
How to insert() / update() many items
#282 opened by GKersten - 2
- 7
How to update startIndex after reseting data source.
#309 opened by CRDEV00 - 4
- 3
TypeError: Cannot read property 'log' of undefined
#291 opened by IgorVNC - 6
Explicitely state the EOF for the UiScroll?
#281 opened by taujoey - 0
- 7
Why is the get() method called twice at startup?
#296 opened by sawa-ko - 4
Fix updater not working
#295 opened by i7d3v3l0p3r - 4
Fast scrolling white screen, override scroll bar
#278 opened by gaoyajiang - 5
scrollbar appears and disappears when scrolling
#293 opened by elira - 3
I am working with angular , but it is not working on C# API please help me
#274 opened by thananhtuan2011 - 7
- 5
- 0
Adapter.remove API: omit continuous series requirement
#289 opened by dhilt - 0
Adapter.append/prepend extension
#286 opened by dhilt - 10
buffer page alignment
#266 opened by nanamicat - 7
Card like "list" layout
#267 opened by taujoey - 9
Seeking recommendations for elegantly showing end of results / no results messages
#273 opened by dpraul - 1
horizontal scroll not working
#280 opened by lan10rd - 12
"TypeError: Cannot redefine property: id" with ngIf
#270 opened by taujoey - 11
Memory leak when using Datasource class instance
#276 opened by markushall - 1
HTML element is not defined
#275 opened by gaoyajiang - 0
Frequent and Constant size strategies
#263 opened by dhilt - 4
- 7
- 10
- 0
Release 2.0.0
#257 opened by dhilt - 2
how to change maxIndex
#259 opened by coloz