
Run motioneye within kubernetes


Run motioneye within kubernetes

This repo contains a couple kubernetes yaml files to stand up a motioneye server.

Configuring motion is more of an art than science. This repo contains my "current" config for a few different inexpensive PoE security cameras, but I'm sure it's not perfect.


  • This config has 4 cameras. If you have more/less, you'll need to modify various parts
  • I use an NAS appliance to store the recorded video clips to make it easier to do downstream processing with dhiltgen/video
  • All my cameras use a common user/password - if you have different ones on each camera the secret stitching logic in these yaml's wont work

If you want to leverage this in your own environment, the steps I recommend:

  • First get vlc to stream properly from your camera via rtsp (google search for your camera brand/model to try to figure out the magic url, since no camera vendor seems to document this clearly)
  • Modify the yaml files in this tree to match the number of cameras you have
  • Tweak the settings (as needed) until you're able to see captured clips and are happy with the results