Stock price prediction using LSTM and 1D Convoltional Layer implemented in keras with TF backend on daily closing price of S&P 500 data from Jan 2000 to Aug 2016
- 4575759ww
- bariscimen
- catchcheng
- cfwin
- CoalinFudan University
- codealphago
- cusr
- ericzengyi
- JiLin-GitHub
- jslee777
- KIBO123
- kokokong
- lytk01
- MLDSBigGuy
- mrsoliman
- nipunbatraIIT Gandhinagar
- ousuiu
- paulxuereb
- rongzhou
- ruaridhtLondon, England
- Ruckusist@AlphaGriffin
- seanreed1111NYC
- shubhampachori12110095Somewhere in India
- SiXiandong94
- sm4xHamburg
- smakonin@compsust
- strategist922Microsoft
- tpfwrz
- traceme
- TREE-IndTREE Industries
- vinayreddy7
- xuchongfreedom
- xuqianwen92
- zbangaSydney
- zeichuan
- zivtigher