
Linkup is a social media application where users can connect, share posts, like, comment, and view profiles. The app is designed with a responsive UI and supports both dark mode and light mode.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Welcome to LinkUp, a social media app where users can connect, share, and engage with each other's content!

Click here to Join LinkUp.

How to Get Started:
  • Register your Account
  • Verify your Email
  • Log in to your Account

Note: Currently, the application is optimized for desktop use only and does not offer full support for mobile devices. Mobile compatibility is under development.


User Profiles: Create and customize personal profiles.
Post Creation: Share text posts, images, and videos with your network.
Liking and Commenting: Interact with posts by liking and commenting on them.
User Connections: Connect other users to see their posts in your feed.
Dark Mode and Light Mode: Choose your preferred theme for comfortable viewing.
Responsive UI Design: Enjoy a seamless experience across different devices.


Client-Side Technologies

  • Frontend Framework: React
  • Build Tool: Vite
  • Styling: Tailwind CSS
  • State Management: Redux Toolkit
  • Form Handling: React Hook Form
  • Icons: React Icons
  • Routing: React Router DOM
  • Image and Video Uploads: Cloudinary
  • API Calls: Axios
  • Date and Time Formatting: Moment.js

Server-Side Technologies

Backend: Node.js, Express, MongoDB
Backend Key Packages:
  • bcryptjs (password hashing)
  • body-parser (parsing incoming request bodies)
  • cloudinary (image and video uploads)
  • cors (enabling cross-origin requests)
  • dotenv (loading environment variables)
  • express (web framework)
  • helmet (security middleware)
  • jsonwebtoken (authentication)
  • mongoose (MongoDB ODM)
  • morgan (request logging middleware)
  • node-cache (caching)
  • nodemailer (email functionality)
  • nodemon (development server)
  • uuid (generating unique IDs)

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/dhirendrasingh25/LinkHub.git

Install dependencies: 

cd client
npm install

cd server
npm install
Use code with caution. Learn more
Create a .env file in the server directory and add your environment variables (e.g., MongoDB connection string, Cloudinary credentials).

Start the development servers:

cd client
npm run dev

cd server
npm run dev
Use code with caution. Learn more
Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to access the app.


Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot

Future Update Plans
  • Personal Chat Feature
  • Channel Creation
  • 24 hours User Status

Fork the repository Create a new branch for your changes Make your changes and commit them Push your changes to your fork 5. Create a pull request