Reads room temperatures from Netatmo API and publish them to a MQTT broker.
Requires OAUTH client_id
, client_secret
and refresh_token
. You can get yours from
AWARE: You need to set read_thermostat
topic when generating your tokens.
The script performs the following steps:
- Gets OAUTH's access-token from
- Loads room names from Netatmo API /api/homesdata
- current limitation: if you have multiple homes, only the first one is loaded
- Loads actual room temperatures from Netatmo API /api/homestatus
- Publishes MQTT message for each room, containing room name and temperature with topic
MQTT message example:
"topic": "netatmo2mqtt/my-room",
"payload": {
"roomId": "1234567890",
"slug": "my-room",
"roomName": "My Room",
"temperature": 23
"qos": 0,
"retain": false
We use Poetry for local development. On macOS you can install Poetry with brew install poetry
poetry install
poetry run python --help
You can set required variables from command line:
poetry run python --oauth-client-id 600000000000000000000004 --oauth-client-secret F000000000000000000000000000000000000B --oauth-refresh-token 500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Or you can set required variables from environment variables:
OAUTH_CLIENT_ID="600000000000000000000004" OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET="F000000000000000000000000000000000000B" OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN="500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" poetry run python
Docker image is published on
For docker image, you need to send required parameters via env variables:
docker run --env OAUTH_CLIENT_ID="600000000000000000000004" --env OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET="F000000000000000000000000000000000000B" --env OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN="500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" --env MQTT_HOSTNAME="localhost" -it --rm dhlavaty/netatmo2mqtt
Or using docker-compose.yml
version: "3.8"
container_name: netatmo2mqtt
restart: unless-stopped
image: dhlavaty/netatmo2mqtt
OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: 600000000000000000000004
OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: F000000000000000000000000000000000000B
OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN: 500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
MQTT_HOSTNAME: "localhost"
Docker version runs every 10 minutes.
# poetry run python --help
usage: [--help]
--oauth-client-id OAUTHCLIENTID
--oauth-client-secret OAUTHCLIENTSECRET
--oauth-refresh-token OAUTHREFRESHTOKEN
[--mqtt-hostname MQTTHOSTNAME]
[--mqtt-port MQTTPORT]
[--mqtt-topic-prefix MQTTTOPICPREFIX]
Read room temperatures from Netatmo API and publish them to a MQTT broker.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--oauth-client-id OAUTHCLIENTID
Netatmo OAUTH Client ID | or use OAUTH_CLIENT_ID env var (get it from
--oauth-client-secret OAUTHCLIENTSECRET
Netatmo OAUTH Client Secret | or use OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET env var (get it from
--oauth-refresh-token OAUTHREFRESHTOKEN
Netatmo OAUTH Refresh Token | or use OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN env var (get it from
--mqtt-hostname MQTTHOSTNAME
MQTT server hostname (Default: 'localhost') | or use MQTT_HOSTNAME env var
--mqtt-port MQTTPORT MQTT server port (Default: 1883) | or use MQTT_PORT env var
--mqtt-topic-prefix MQTTTOPICPREFIX
MQTT topic prefix (Default: 'netatmo2mqtt/') | or use MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX env var
Build multi-arch image:
docker buildx create --name mybuilder
docker buildx use mybuilder
# (Optional) check your builder
docker buildx inspect
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 --tag dhlavaty/netatmo2mqtt . --push
# (Optional) Inspect your image
docker buildx imagetools inspect dhlavaty/netatmo2mqtt
Lint dockerfile:
docker run --rm -i hadolint/hadolint < Dockerfile
This project is licensed under MIT -