
Primary LanguageCoffeeScript



  1. Install Vagrant for your OS
  2. Ensure you have a git client (try SourceTree if you don't have one)
  3. Clone our repository: git clone https://github.com/dhm116/ArchAngel from the command line, or use your git gui
  4. Open a shell prompt where you checked out ArchAngel and type vagrant up
  5. Go get a snack while vagrant downloads Ubuntu 13.04, installs PostgreSQL and NodeJS
  6. When complete, simply type vagrant ssh to gain access to the VM
  7. Your ArchAngel folder is mounted on the VM at /vagrant_data, so any web apps would run from that location
  8. Ports 22 (ssh), 3333 (for node app) and 5432 (postgres) are automatically forwarded to your local machine, so you can access them as if they were running directly on your OS


  1. From a command prompt, type vagrant up in your ArchAngel project folder. Give this a minute or two to boot up.
  2. Log in to the development VM with vagrant ssh
  3. After you SSH into the VM, change to the mapped folder with cd /vagrant_data
  4. Next, make sure your node modules are update to date. Switch to our brunch app with cd brunch-app and then type npm install
  5. This may or may not take some time to install dependent packages depending on if you have done this previously.
  6. Start up brunch with brunch w -s (which is shorthand for brunch watch --server)

I would advise creating a new branch for any work you do. It helps compartmentalize your changes in case something goes wrong and helps keep the main master branch stable for deployment.

