The project is hosted at this page
In order to produce a painting the user need to set the parameters using the menu on the left. There are also 6 presets that are the result of our tests on the algorithm. Once the parameters are selected the user can start the drawing pressing on PLAY button on the right.
For draw with ants the user can click on every point on the screen in order to place the first ant, during the painting procedure every click will generate another ant. There's the possibility to see the original image clicking on the button IMAGE in order to place ants in particular places.
The user can load her own image using the button UPLOAD, once the image is loaded it is displayed and the user can start drawing directly clicking on it.
The button HIDE_SETTINGS is useful in order to hide the parameters menu and for exploit the entire space on the monitor.
The button SAVE let the user save locally the final drawing.
PLAY button
IMAGE button
UPLOAD button
SAVE button