
dhmit's fall 2019 project - The Reading Redux

Primary LanguagePython

The Reading Redux

The Reading Redux is a project by the MIT Programs in Digital Humanities in collaboration with our Fall 2019 Faculty Fellow, Sandy Alexandre, Associate Professor of Literature at MIT.

How do readers experience texts differently upon a second reading? When a student reads a novel first as a freshman and then as a senior, what changes in perspective, response, and engagement take place? Our project seeks to create analytic and data gathering tools to investigate these questions.


  1. Create a new virtual environment and activate it
  2. Install all package requirements via pip or using PyCharm's settings
  3. cd into backend and then python manage.py migrate to migrate the database
  4. Create a superuser using the command python manage.py createsuperuser
  5. cd out of backend and into frontend and npm install

To run frontend, type npm start, and to run backend, type python manage.py runserver