Primary LanguagePython

Doubly Inhomogeneous Reinforcement Learning

This repository contains the implementation for the paper "Doubly Non-homogeneous Reinforcement Learning" in Python (and R for plotting). The main challenge lies in that not only each subject can have their own system dynamics, but the system dynamics may evolve over time for each subject. In this work, we assume that at each time point, subjects can be grouped into clusters defined by their system dynamics. We provide some concrete examples with two subjects and a single change point (including merge, split, promotion, evolution, etc.) to elaborate.


Figure 1: Basic building blocks with two subjects (one in each row) and a single change point. Different dynamics are represented by distinct colors.

File Overview

  • Folder functions/: This folder contains all utility Python functions used in numerical experiments including simulation and data analysis

    • simu_mean_detect implements the proposed change point and cluster detection method for Non-homogeneous environment.
    • compute_test_statistics_separateA.py computes the optimal policy.
    • evaluation.py implements the evaluation procedure. Specifically, it contains functions for estimating the optimal policy and estimating the value of the policy using fitted-Q evaluation.
    • simulate_data_1d.py generates data in 1-dimensional simulation. It contains functions to simulate data in s scenarios of different transition.
    • simulate_data_1d_flexible.py generated data in 1-dimensional simulation with more flexibility.
  • Folder simulations/: This folder contains the platform that realizes the 1-dimensional simulation in the paper. Files starting with plot in their names contain codes to generate plots in the paper.

    • Folder final_perf/: This folder contains the code for offline estimation in Section 5.1.1 and Section 5.1.2.
      • run_maxiter.py simulates 1-dimensional data with different-sign transition functions and test for double non-homogeneity. Usage:
      python 01_sim_1d_run.py {init} {N} {T} {setting} {nthread} {cov} {threshold_type} {K} {max_iter} {random_cp}
      See the annotation in the script for the meanings of arguments. Example:
      python 01_sim_1d_run.py kmeans 50 50 pwconst2 8 0.25 maxcusum 2 10 0
      • run_maxiter_samesign.py simulates 1-dimensional data with same-sign transition functions and test for double non-homogeneity.
      • collect_results.py collect simulation results of the performance of the proposed method to generate Figure 3 and Figure 4 in the paper.
      • collect_results.py collect simulation results of the performance of the proposed method given numbers of clusters when the transition functions of the two clusters have the same sign on the interaction term.
      • plot_fig3_cp.py creates Figure 3 of the estimation performance the proposed method given different initial change point locations.
      • plot_fig4_cp.py creates Figure 4 of the estimation performance the proposed method given different numbers of clusters.
      • To run the 1-dimensional simulation in sequence,
      bash create_maxiter.sh
      bash create_maxiter_samesign.sh
    • Folder value/: This folder contains the code for online evaluation in Section 5.1.2.
      • run_value.py estimates the value of different policies in environment where different clusters have different signs on the interaction term in the transition functions.
      • run_value_samesign.py estimates the value of different policies in environment where different clusters have the same sign in the interaction term in the transition functions.
      • collect_results.py collect simulation results of the value of the proposed method when the transition functions of the two clusters have different signs on the interaction term.
      • collect_results_samesign.py collect simulation results of the value of the proposed method when the transition functions of the two clusters have the same sign on the interaction term.
      • plot_fig5_supp1_value.py creates Figure 5 in the paper and the Figure 1 in the supplement of value difference distribution.
      • To run the evaluation in sequence,
      bash create_value.sh
      bash create_value.samesign.sh
  • Folder output contains raw results and corresponding figures of the simulation in the paper.