
A translation of J.M. Lilly's code for ridge and element analysis using generalized Morse wavelets into python

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


A translation of J.M. Lilly's code for ridge and element analysis using generalized Morse wavelets into python.

The original jLab repository can be found here: https://github.com/jonathanlilly/jLab

Lilly, J. M. (2019), jLab: A data analysis package for Matlab, v. 1.6.6, http://www.jmlilly.net/jmlsoft.html.

Note that this repository does not re-implement all of the code in jLab, only the parts that I was interested in. It is also not a straight port. I have restructured the code to make the APIs more descriptive and to be more python / numpy friendly. I have also replaced custom functions with built-in numpy and scipy functions where it was obvious to me that I could and I have changed the memory layout to be more efficient in Python (since numpy is row-major and MATLAB is column-major). That means the time axis is usually the last axis in my code but the first axis in jLab. Further simplifications to use more built-in numpy and scipy code can probably be done.

Rough mappings from functions in jLab to functions/methods in analytic_wavelet. Not all APIs map exactly

jLab analytic_wavelet
anatrans analytic_transform
  • amplitude
  • instantaneous_frequency
  • instantaneous_curvature
  • instantaneous_moments
isomax ElementAnalysisMorse.isolated_maxima
lininterp linear_interpolate
maxprops ElementAnalysisMorse.event_parameters
morseafun GeneralizedMorseWavelet.amplitude
morsebox GeneralizedMorseWavelet.heisenberg_box
  • GeneralizedMorseWavelet.peak_frequency
  • GeneralizedMorseWavelet.energy_frequency
  • GeneralizedMorseWavelet.instantaneous_frequency
  • GeneralizedMorseWavelet.curvature_instantaneous_frequency
  • GeneralizedMorseWavelet.frequency_domain_moment
  • GeneralizedMorseWavelet.energy_moment
  • GeneralizedMorseWavelet.frequency_domain_cumulants
  • GeneralizedMorseWavelet.energy_cumulants
  • GeneralizedMorseWavelet.time_domain_width
  • GeneralizedMorseWavelet.demodulated_skewness_imag
  • GeneralizedMorseWavelet.demodulated_kurtosis
morseregion ElementAnalysisMorse.region_of_influence (localization region part of morseregion not implemented)
morsespace GeneralizedMorseWavelet.log_spaced_frequencies
morsewave GeneralizedMorseWavelet.make_wavelet
morsexpand GeneralizedMorseWavelet.taylor_expansion_time_domain_wavelet
periodindex period_indices
quadinterp quadratic_interpolate
ridgewalk ridges
  • RidgeResult.ridge_values
  • RidgeResult.instantaneous_frequency
  • RidgeResult.instantaneous_bandwidth
  • RidgeResult.instantaneous_curvature
  • RidgeResult.total_error
  • RidgeResult.get_values
  • RidgeResult.ridge_ids
  • RidgeResult.collapse
rot rotate
transmax maxima_of_transform
transmaxdist GeneralizedMorseWavelet.distribution_of_maxima_of_transformed_noise
  • wavelet_contourf
  • time_series_plot
  • analytic_wavelet_transform
  • to_frequency_domain_wavelet
  • masked_detrend
  • make_unpad_slices
  • unpad