
Pythonic audio processing and generation framework

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


The Python way to audio processing & synthesis.

An intuitive, flexible and lightweight library for:

  • Experimenting with audio and signal processing
  • Creating and manipulating sounds
  • Electronic composition

Core features:

  • Platform independent
  • Very intuitive syntax
  • Easy to create new effects or experiments and combine them with existing features
  • Great for learning about audio and signals
  • Multi-channel audio for customizable placement of sound sources
  • Parametrization
  • And more to come!


  1. Install using pip install gensound. This will also ensure NumPy is installed. For smoother playback, it is also recommended to have any one of simpleaudio, playsound, PyGame installed. It is also recommended to have FFMPEG installed, which enables read/export of file formats other than Wave and AIFF.

  2. Run the examples below (or some of the example files in the repository).

Gensound in less than a minute

All audio is a mixture of signals (audio streams), to which we can apply transforms (effects).

  • To apply a transform to a signal we use the syntax: Signal * Transform;
  • To mix two signals together we use addition: Signal + Signal;
  • And to concatenate two signals (play one after the other): Signal | Signal.

Each of these operations results in a new Signal object on which we can perform more of these operations.

Now, let's run some basic examples!

Show Me the Code

  • Load a WAV into a Signal object from a file:
from gensound import WAV, test_wav

wav = WAV(test_wav) # load sample WAV, included with gensound
  • Playback or file export:
  • Play file using different sample rate (results in pitch shift):
wav.play(sample_rate=32000) # original sample rate 44.1 kHz
  • Play only the R channel:
wav[1].play() # wav[0] is L channel, wav[1] is R
  • Turn down the volume of L channel:
wav[0] *= 0.5 # amplitude halved; wav[1] amplitude remains the same
  • Same thing, but using dBs:
from gensound import Gain
wav[0] *= Gain(-3) # apply Gain transform to attenuate by 3 dB
  • Mix a Stereo signal (L-R channels) to mono (center channel only):
wav = 0.5*wav[0] + 0.5*wav[1] # sums up L and R channels together, halving the amplitudes
  • Switch L/R channels:
wav[0], wav[1] = wav[1], wav[0]
  • Crop 5 seconds from the beginning (5e3 is short for 5000.0, meaning 5,000 milliseconds or 5 seconds):
wav = wav[5e3:] # since 5e3 is float, gensound knows we are not talking about channels

If we only care about the R channel:

wav = wav[1, 5e3:] # 5 seconds onwards, R channel only

We can decide to slice using sample numbers (ints) instead of absolute time (floats):

wav = wav[:,:1000] # grabs first 1000 samples in both channels; samples are in ints
  • Repeat a signal 5 times:
wav = wav**5
  • Mix a 440Hz (middle A) sine wave to the L channel, 4 seconds after the beginning:
from gensound import Sine

wav[0,4e3:] += Sine(frequency=440, duration=2e3)*Gain(-9)
  • Play a tune (see full syntax here):
s = Sine('D5 C# A F# B G# E# C# F#', duration=0.5e3)
  • Reverse the R channel:
from gensound import Reverse

wav[1] *= Reverse()
  • Haas effect - delaying the L channel by several samples makes the sound appear to be coming from the right:
from gensound import Shift

wav[0] *= Shift(80) # try changing the number of samples
# when listening, pay attention to the direction the audio appears to be coming from
  • Stretch effect - slowing down or speeding up the signal by stretching or shrinking it. This affects pitch as well:
from gensound.effects import Stretch

wav *= Stretch(rate=1.5) # plays the Signal 1.5 times as fast
wav *= Stretch(duration=30e3) # alternative syntax: fit the Signal into 30 seconds
  • Advanced: AutoPan both L/R channels with different frequency and depth:
from gensound.curve import SineCurve

s = WAV(test_wav)[10e3:30e3] # pick 20 seconds of audio

curveL = SineCurve(frequency=0.2, depth=50, baseline=-50, duration=20e3)
# L channel will move in a Sine pattern between -100 (Hard L) and 0 (C)

curveR = SineCurve(frequency=0.12, depth=100, baseline=0, duration=20e3)
# R channel will move in a Sine pattern (different frequency) between -100 and 100
t = s[0]*Pan(curveL) + s[1]*Pan(curveR)

Syntax Cheatsheet

Meet the two core classes:

  • Signal - a stream of multi-channeled samples, either raw (e.g. loaded from WAV file) or mathematically computable (e.g. a Sawtooth wave). Behaves very much like a numpy.ndarray.
  • Transform - any process that can be applied to a Signal (for example, reverb, filtering, gain, reverse, slicing).

By combining Signals in various ways and applying Transforms to them, we can generate anything.

Signals are envisioned as mathematical objects, and Gensound relies greatly on overloading of arithmetic operations on them, in conjunction with Transforms. All of the following expressions return a new Signal object:

  • amplitude*Signal: change Signal's amplitude (loudness) by a given factor (float)
  • -Signal: inverts the Signal
  • Signal + Signal: mix two Signals together
  • Signal | Signal: concatenate two Signals one after the other
  • Signal**4: repeat the Signal 4 times
  • Signal*Transform: apply Transform to Signal
  • Signal[start_channel:end_channel,start_ms:end_ms]: Signal sliced to a certain range of channels and time (in ms). The first slice expects integers; the second expects floats.
  • Signal[start_channel:end_channel,start_sample:end_sample]: When the second slice finds integers instead of floats, it is interpreted as a range over samples instead of milliseconds. Note that the duration of this Signal changes according to the sample rate.
  • Signal[start_channel:end_channel]: when a single slice of ints is given, it is taken to mean the channels.
  • Signal[start_ms:end_ms]: if the slice is made up of floats, it is interpreted as timestamps, i.e.: Signal[:,start_ms:end_ms].

The slice notations may also be used for assignments:

wav[4e3:4.5e3] = Sine(frequency=1e3, duration=0.5e3) # censor beep on seconds 4-4.5
wav[0,6e3:] *= Vibrato(frequency=4, width=0.5) # add vibrato effect to L channel starting from second 6

...and to increase the number of channels implicitly:

wav = WAV("mono_audio.wav") # mono Signal object
wav[1] = -wav[0] # now a stereo Signal with R being a phase inverted version of L

Note the convention that floats represent time as milliseconds, while integers represent number of samples.

When performing playback or file export of a Signal, Gensound resolves the Signal tree recursively, combining the various Signals and applying the transforms.


I would love to hear about your experience using Gensound - what worked well, what didn't, what do you think is missing. Don't hesitate to drop me a line.

The gradually evolving Wiki is both a tutorial and a reference, and will also provide many fun examples to learn and play with. If you are interested in contributing, check out Contribution.