POPCORN. JS - 0.1 a library to work with the HTML5 <video> tag ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// License MIT (see included LICENSE) Original Authors Center for Development of Open Technology @ Seneca College Web Site https://wiki.mozilla.org/PopcornOpenVideoAPI Github Repo. http://github.com/annasob/popcorn-js/ Bug Tracking https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/52212-popcornjs/overview IMPORTANT! - NOTE FOR DEVELOPERS Please read the guidelines before pushing your code to the repository. The function(s) you are working on may already be finished and queued for push. GUIDELINES https://processing-js.lighthouseapp.com/projects/52212/project-workflow IRC CHANNEL Join the development team at irc://irc.mozilla.org/popcorn for more info ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PLATFORM AND BROWSER COMPATIBILITY Popcorn.js is explicitly developed for and actively tested on browsers that support the HTML5 <Video> element. Popcorn.js aims for 100 percent compatibility across all supported browsers; however, differences between individual video implementations may give slightly different results. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////