
Notes -

  • The following project was completed for the course CSC 434 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, offered at The College of Brockport.
  • Citations are referred to in brackets [#].

Date Submitted: 12/2021, Fall Semester

Build Status: example param

Project Target: The goal of this project is to build a Natural Language Processing (NLP) model which utilizes multiclass classification to perform the task of sentiment analysis upon a set of data.

Built with -

  • Tensorflow

Associated Packages -

  • Keras
  • nltk
  • pandas

Dataset Source -

  • Kaggle

Dataset Used -

  • State of The Union Corpus (1790-2018) [5]

The code written was heavily referenced from the textbook, "Deep learning with python" by Francois Chollet [1].

Overview: Following consecutive steps, building the desired NLP model involves importing a dataset, preprocessing through data tokenization, encoding, vectorization, creation of a model, and finally validation of the built model, thus meeting target requirements. Transformations done upon the original dataset are done in while preprocessing the data through vectorization into tensors as well as building, plotting, and validation of the model is done in


  1. Chollet, Francois, “Getting started with neural networks: Classification and regression,” in Deep learning with python, S.l., CA: O'REILLY MEDIA, 2021.
  2. M. Mogyorosi, “Sentiment analysis: First steps with Python's NLTK library,” Real Python, 24-Sep-2021. [Online]. Available: sentiment-analysis/. [Accessed: 19-Nov-2021].
  3. R. F. Baumeister and K. D. Vohs, “Content Analysis,” Encyclopedia of Social Psychology. SAGE, London, 2007.
  4. NobelNobel, cs95 , jpp, Heraknos, BENY , and c z, “Split cell into multiple rows in pandas dataframe,” Stack Overflow, 01-Jul-1966. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 17-Nov-2021].
  5. R. Tatman, “State of the Union Corpus (1790 - 2018),” Kaggle, 19-Oct-2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 11-Oct-2021].
  6. Sulphix, D. Dotterel, and S. Scarab, “Remove punctuation in dataframe column code example,” remove punctuation in dataframe column Code Example. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 17-Nov-2021].

CREDITS: coleman3616, dhodzic1, kyle-knopp, mwarren585