
Long way of doing FizzBuzz

Primary LanguageC++

#FizzBuzz This does is the FizzBuzz problem. Just a bit longer.

#Why did I make this? All right. So, if you are a programmer and have gone to interviews, you know that you will have to do some kind of coding question.

One of those questions is FizzBuzz. It is a pretty simple exercise. If you don't know what it is, here is the general description.

Count from 1 to 100. If the number is divisible by three print Fizz, if the number is divisible by five print Buzz, if the number is divisible by five and three print FizzBuzz, otherwise just print the number.

Once you show you prowess, you might, more often than not, be asked "Can you do it a different way?"

I am so tired of interviewers asking me this question. Of course I can. You can do everything a different way.

So, here is my way of doing this problem a different way.