
AWS ECR scanning slack notifications

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AWS ECR scanning notifications



This project is meant to scan docker images stored in AWS ECR.

It scans the docker images and analyses the scan results. If there were any vulnerabilities changes or a new image was scanned, the Slack channel injected through the variable slack_endpoint is notified.

It uses AWS Lambda Functions to both scan and analyse the ECR images

The diagram below illustrates how it works.

alt text

Configure a Slack App to receive notifications

If you don't yet have a Slack App configured, you can learn how to create one by checking the official docs. Once you have a slack app, enable the webhook to post messages on a specific channel.

Define repositories to Scan

You are free to change the ./terraform/ecr-repositories.json file to match your repositories accordingly. When adding a new repository, all you need is its name. Everything else (such as account id, region, etc.) can be left out.


All the following commands assume you are in the root of the project

Deploying Lambda functions and infrastructure

Deployment happens via terraform, but you need to generate a .zip file containing the code for the Lambda functions and drop it inside the terraform namespace you are deploying. Terraform will then push this artifact to S3 during deployment.

./build-scripts/lambda_package.sh ./src terraform 1.0.0

We can finally trigger the deployment with:

cd ./terraform/namespaces/default
terraform init && terraform apply

Unit tests

Currently, there are tests only for the Lambda functions. Terraform code is not tested at this point.

To run the tests for the Lambda functions, run

yarn test


PRs are more than welcome.

Check CONTRIBUTING.md for more info.

Philips Forest

This module is part of the Philips Forest.

                                                     ___                   _
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                                                   / _\/ _ \| '__/ _ \/ __| __|
                                                  / / | (_) | | |  __/\__ \ |_
                                                  \/   \___/|_|  \___||___/\__|  


Talk to the forestkeepers in the forest-channel on Slack.
