
Docker implementation of Boarding for Fastlane

Primary LanguageMakefile


A Docker container for Fastlane/Boarding

DockerHub: https://hub.docker.com/r/emcniece/docker-boarding/


Pull the docker container, then run with your desired environment variables:

docker pull emcniece/docker-boarding

docker run -d \
  -e ITC_USER=myUser@domain.com \
  -e ITC_PASSWORD=passForMyUser \
  -e ITC_APP_ID=targetAppId \
  -e ITC_APP_TESTER_GROUPS="My Testers Group" \
  -p 3000:3000 \


If you have Make installed, the Makefile will help with building the container.

Ensure that .env is populated before building and running.

# Load environment variables for Makefile use
source .env

# Show commands

# Build image
make image

# Run container normally
make run

# Run container without starting app
make run-debug

# Upload to Dockerhub
make docker

# Tag with VERSION and upload
make release

# Remove running named container
make kill

# Remove image from your system
make clean