
Primary LanguageC++Do What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


by Jardík (jardasmid+tlmodder_at_gmail_dot_com)


Build depencies: cmake, GCC 4.7+

To compile, run:

$ cmake . && make

That will give you 3 executables:



converts binary *.DAT.ADM, *.LAYOUT.ADM, *.ANIMATION.ADM files to
textual DAT, LAYOUT or ANIMATION formats.

usage: adm2dat adm_file [dat_file]

If no dat_file is given, it will be printed to stdout. DAT file
will be UTF-8 encoded! Mods usualy come with UTF-16 encoded DAT
files, but I have chosen UTF-8 for better editing. I have no idea
if Torchlight for windows will eat such files, but my modder tool


converts textual DAT, LAYOUT, ANIMATION files to binary ADM format

usage: dat2adm dat_file [adm_file]

If no adm_file is given, 'dat_file.adm' will be used as output file.
Input dat_file can be UTF-8, UTF-16LE or UTF-16BE encoded, with
or without BOM. If no BOM is used for UTF-16, file must start with
ASCII character, which should be true for all DAT files


this is the main tool to actually make mods working under linux.

Use it like this:

o Open tlmodder.cfg and set
  MOD_DIR - path to directory where mods are stored
            Default is ./mods
  ORIGINAL_GAME_DATA - path to directory where original pak.zip
            archive is extracted. media directory contained in
            the archive must be placed here.
            Default is ./original
  OUTPUT_DIR - path to output directory. Resulting media directory
            will be stored here after the program is run.
            media directory should then be packed into zip archive
            called pak.zip and placed into game's directory.
            You should always delete all files in this directory
            after adding/removing a mod and before running tlmodder,
            to prevent conflicts.
            Default is ./output
            (generating the zip archive directly is on 'I might once
             implement it' list, but no promises)
  MERGE_CLASS_MODS - when you install multiple class or pet mods, you
            will get colisions for media/UI/charactercreate.layout
            file. Multiple mods will contain its own to add the
            class/pet to New game screen. If you set this option
            to 1, tlmodder will try to find all installed classes and
            pets and to generate own charactercreate.layout containing
            all the classes and pets. It will also try to merge item
            wardrobes for the classes so that gear is not broken because
            one mod would not contain other mod's class entry for the gear.
            This WILL add some extra pets even if you don't add any mods.
            There are some pets in the original game not included in the
            list in New game screen, but this mod will add them there
            (fire elemental, gels, and such things)
            This feature should be considered beta. If it doesn't work for
            you for any reason, set this to 0 and tlmodder won't touch
            charactercreate.layout and it will use the one from mod with
            highest priority set.
  LOOK_FOR_NEW - set to 1 if tlmodder should look for new mods in
            MOD_DIR directory. If set to 0, only mods explicitly listed in
            configuration file will be used. (they still must be located
            inside MOD_DIR directory).
            Any mod that is not added via configuration file will get
            priority 0 and then sorted alphabeticaly.

o Optionaly, if you set LOOK_FOR_NEW to 0 or if you want to adjust mods'
  priorities and not to rely on alphabetic order, add one or more MOD
  Default configuration file contains one such section for included
  "JardikRespec" mod. It is based on RespecMod and adds additional
  stat points potion (STR-5, DEX-5, MAG-5, DEF-5 and STAT+20).
  This section should serve as sample, how to configure the mod.
  NAME     - mod's directory name within MOD_DIR directory
  PRIORITY - mods with higher priority will overwrite files from mods
             with lower priority, if they contain the same file. If the
             priority is the same, alphabetic order of NAME will be used.
  ENABLED  - if set to 0, mod will be ignored and not included in resulting
             output directory

o After everything is set, you can run tlmodder:

  ./tlmodder [config_file]
  where config_file is configuration file name. If no config_file is given,
  default (./tlmodder.cfg) will be used.
  After tlmodder is run, it will first list all the loaded mods. If any mod
  explicitly listed in configuration file is not found, you will be asked if
  continue or not. If everything goes right or you choose to continue, you
  will get LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of messages about what is currently being
  done, and it will take few minutes to complete.
  After everything is complete, you get Done! message and note that you should
  pack the resulting media directory and overwrite zip from game directory and
  to BACK UP you save game files (~/.runicgames/Torchlight/Save) in case
  something goes wrong and/or new/old mods are not compatible for some reason.
  With some mods, particulary "Jarcho's Class Compilation v1.3" mod, you will
  get errors while running tlmodder, pointing out errors detected in few DAT
  files. You must manually fix these issues and run tlmodder again.
  Torchlight for Windows seems to silently ignore them, however, I chose not to.
  Reason why is that one class (I can't remember which, sorry) besides closing
  wrong sections, actually open wrong section for skill level (LEVEL1 instead of
  LEVEL6 or something like that). This should be fixed to prevent mod malfunction.
  There is also few issues with overlapping sections in some mods, these must also
  be fixed manualy by edditing the dat file. Note that the DAT files are usually
  UTF-16LE encoded, usually with BOM. Use editor which supports it!

Mods tested and working with tlmooder: InfusED The Hero's Legacy 1.10 Valkyrie2_v4.31b (I think I had to delete one [/SKILL] line in one DAT file, not sure) Emberborn ID&PortalStones Jarcho's Class Compilation v1.3 (needs few manual fixes in DAT files, two pets causing the game crash, don't remember which) ThrowingWeapons Tl2_pets BrighterMap ChainLightningLLv2_1 Enhanced Mastery DUI_AutoMap

  • As pointed out, tlmodder will tell you where the error is, at which line, so it should be easily fixable.

Well that should be about it. If you find something missing here, let me know. MAYBE I will fix it eventually, maybe not. Point is Torchlight is too short and repetitive game and I got bored of it pretty soon and boring game means maybe no bug fixes* for this modding tool.

  • BTW there is plenty of TODOs and FIXMEs in source files, one worth mentioning is incomplete UTF-8 to UTF-32 and then to UTF-16. I just didn't feel like finishing this anymore, but maybe if someone ask for it ... maybe. For now I suggest to stick to ASCII characters.

This software is licensed under the terms of DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2 See COPYING file for more info