used Marvin as a starting point
npm install
npm start
Visit http://localhost:8080/
from your browser of choice.
Since I used a boilerplate I thought adding a brief description of the project structure would be useful
Here are the files I think one would find to be of the most interest
base/ -- base theme
app.css -- the main css rules used throughout the site
gifs.js -- redux actions for getting gifs, favoriting gifs, etc
index.js -- api we use in the saga, this has a couple of functions that call giphys trending api
components/ react components
CardItem.jsx - main component for the cards used on the discovery page
MotionStack.js/css - component for handling swiping and accompanying styling
Menu.jsx - Nav bar used at the top of the site
gifs.js - Reducers for handling actions that were dispatched and modifying state
gifs.js - Saga for handling requests to the trending api, essentially its a wrapper that ensures we use the last or most latest call made
App.jsx - The router for the app
Discover.jsx - Shows you gifs from giphys trending api
Favorites.jsx - Shows the gifs that you favorited from the Discover page
Didn't use selector functions, but they could be added easily enough
(I wasn't really using anything crazy enough to warrant them in my connect functions)
(see redux connect used in Discover and Favorites)
I did several methods of styling / importing my css in several of the files
(See source/css/base/app.css and inline styling used in source/js/components/card/CardItem.jsx vs import used in the MotionStack.js)
(This was intentional as I thought it'd be a good way to show I'm comfortable with different toolings)