
Java Password Generator

Primary LanguageJava


Java Password Generator

A simple password generator made in java. Provides a free and secure way to create an infinite amount of unique passwords. The length is 10 characters, but you are free to change the source code to your liking - increase the complexity of the password. Made with eclipse using Swing designer to make the frame. The program is 5kb.

How to run?

Windows: Install Java JRE/JDK and click to open
Linux: cd into directory where the file is located and give mark as executable. (chmod +x Password Generator.jar). Click to open.

Uses abcdefgahijklmnoqprstuvwxABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX+-*/+-0123456789 characters.
Source can be found in the Number Generator folder. Simply copy into your eclipse-workspace folder.

alt text

Update to version 2.0 on 4th January 2018. Changes:
-Added slider for changing the length of the password
-Added a way to choose whether or not numbers and special characters should be incuded

More features to come when I find the time.
-choose the complexity of the password
-feature that makes it possible to create password which include/consist of a certain word/selection of characters