
EduVibe is a mobile app designed to provide a flexible and intuitive learning experience similar to Moodle, optimized for mobile devices.


  • Course Management: View courses, access course materials, and participate in activities.
  • Assignment Submission: Submit assignments directly through the app.
  • Communication: Engage in discussions and forums with fellow students and instructors.
  • Notifications: Receive updates and reminders about course activities.
  • User Profiles: Manage user profiles and preferences.
  • Offline Access: Access course content offline.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: React Native, TypeScript
  • Navigation: React Navigation
  • State Management: Redux
  • Backend Integration: (Specify if applicable)

Getting Started


  • Node.js
  • Expo CLI (if using Expo)


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd EduVibe