=== Http Parser extension for PHP A PHP extension for the C http parser from Ruby's Mongrel web server. === Installation To install, you'll need an environment set up to compile PHP extensions. On Ubuntu, I think you'll need to install the php5-dev package. cd ext phpize ./configure make sudo make install Also add the following to your php.ini file: extension=httpparser.so === Usage $parser = new HttpParser(); $parser->execute("GET http://example.com/ HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.com\r\n\r\n", 0); var_dump($parser->getEnvironment()); .. or see simple_server.php for a better example. === Credits The http parser is from Mongrel http://mongrel.rubyforge.org by Zed Shaw. Mongrel Web Server (Mongrel) is copyrighted free software by Zed A. Shaw <zedshaw at zedshaw dot com> You can redistribute it and/or modify it under either the terms of the GPL. Also, a big thank you to Alexey Zakhlestin for doing some code review and cleaning up this PHP extension.