
Sift Science API (PHP client)

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Sift Science PHP Bindings


With Composer

  1. Add siftscience/sift-php as a dependency in composer.json.

    "require": {
        "siftscience/sift-php" : "1.*"
  2. Run composer update.

  3. Now SiftClient will be autoloaded into your project.

    require 'vendor/autoload.php';
    $sift = new SiftClient('my_api_key');


  1. Download the latest release.

  2. Extract into a folder in your project root named "sift-php".

  3. Include SiftClient in your project like this:

    require 'sift-php/lib/Services_JSON-1.0.3/JSON.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftRequest.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftResponse.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/SiftClient.php';
    require 'sift-php/lib/Sift.php';
    $sift = new SiftClient('my_api_key');


Track an event

Here's an example that sends a $transaction event to sift.

$sift = new SiftClient('my_api_key');
$response = $sift->track('$transaction', array(
    '$user_id' => '23056',
    '$user_email' => 'buyer@gmail.com',
    '$seller_user_id' => '2371',
    '$seller_user_email' => 'seller@gmail.com',
    '$transaction_id' => '573050',
    '$currency_code' => 'USD',
    '$amount' => 15230000,
    '$time' => 1327604222,
    'trip_time' => 930,
    'distance_traveled' => 5.26,

Label a user as good/bad

$sift = new SiftClient('my_api_key');
$response = $sift->label('23056', array(
    '$is_bad' => true,
    '$reasons' => array('$chargeback')

Get a user's score

$sift = new SiftClient('my_api_key');
$response = $sift->score('23056');
$response->body['score']; // => 0.030301357270181357


Run the tests from the project root with PHPUnit like this:

phpunit --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php test/SiftClientTest
