
A Rust library to extract useful data from HTML documents, suitable for web scraping.

Primary LanguageRust

select.rs CI Documentation

A library to extract useful data from HTML documents, suitable for web scraping.

NOTE: The following example only works in the upcoming release of this library. Check out the 0.5.0 tag for the latest public release.


use select::document::Document;
use select::predicate::{Attr, Class, Name, Predicate};

pub fn main() {
    // stackoverflow.html was fetched from
    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/rust?sort=votes&pageSize=50 on
    // Aug 10, 2015.
    let document = Document::from(include_str!("stackoverflow.html"));

    println!("# Menu");
    for node in document.find(Attr("id", "hmenus").descendant(Name("a"))) {
        println!("{} ({:?})", node.text(), node.attr("href").unwrap());

    println!("# Top 5 Questions");
    for node in document.find(Class("question-summary")).take(5) {
        let question = node.find(Class("question-hyperlink")).next().unwrap();
        let votes = node.find(Class("vote-count-post")).next().unwrap().text();
        let answers = node
        let tags = node
            .map(|tag| tag.text())
        let asked_on = node.find(Class("relativetime")).next().unwrap().text();
        let asker = node
        println!(" Question: {}", question.text());
        println!("  Answers: {}", answers);
        println!("    Votes: {}", votes);
        println!("   Tagged: {}", tags.join(", "));
        println!(" Asked on: {}", asked_on);
        println!("    Asker: {}", asker);
            "Permalink: http://stackoverflow.com{}",

    println!("# Top 10 Related Tags");
    for node in document
        .find(Attr("id", "h-related-tags"))
        let tag = node.find(Name("a")).next().unwrap().text();
        let count = node
        println!("{} ({})", tag, count);


# Menu
Questions ("/questions")
Tags ("/tags")
Users ("/users")
Badges ("/help/badges")
Unanswered ("/unanswered")
Ask Question ("/questions/ask")

# Top 5 Questions
 Question: Applications and libraries written in Rust [closed]
  Answers: 8
    Votes: 67
   Tagged: rust
 Asked on: Feb 19 '12 at 14:39
    Asker: Atom
Permalink: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9350125/applications-and-libraries-written-in-rust

 Question: How to debug Rust programs? [closed]
  Answers: 6
    Votes: 52
   Tagged: rust
 Asked on: Apr 8 '13 at 5:30
    Asker: macropas
Permalink: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15871885/how-to-debug-rust-programs

 Question: How to access command line parameters?
  Answers: 9
    Votes: 51
   Tagged: rust
 Asked on: Mar 25 '13 at 15:59
    Asker: shutefan
Permalink: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15619320/how-to-access-command-line-parameters

 Question: Why are explicit lifetimes needed in Rust?
  Answers: 6
    Votes: 48
   Tagged: pointers, rust, static-analysis, lifetime
 Asked on: Jul 24 at 11:15
    Asker: jco
Permalink: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31609137/why-are-explicit-lifetimes-needed-in-rust

 Question: What is the difference between traits in Rust and typeclasses in Haskell?
  Answers: 1
    Votes: 46
   Tagged: haskell, rust
 Asked on: Jan 24 at 7:50
    Asker: LogicChains
Permalink: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28123453/what-is-the-difference-between-traits-in-rust-and-typeclasses-in-haskell

# Top 10 Related Tags
lifetime (165)
traits (83)
rust-cargo (79)
string (76)
ffi (62)
iterator (58)
multithreading (50)
generics (50)
arrays (49)
borrow-checker (47)
