
Leader election logic based on bully algorithm in golang

Primary LanguageGo


  • Leader election logic based on the Bully Algorithm using grpc based communication.
  • Each member boots up with a UUID as its identifier, which is exchanged between members.
  • In the leader election mode, each member finds the greatest UUID using lexicographical comparison.
  • Member having the greates UUID is elected as the leader.
  • Before triggering the leader election mode, the flow of the algorithm makes sure that ll the members find and talk to each other to maintain a consistent cluster state.
  • Once leader is elected, it runs the leader work function and all other coordinating members stay in observer mode.
  • Coordinating members ping the leader at every n externally configurable seconds to check, if the leader is alive and in a working state.
  • when bad response if received from the leader, members will check one more time after a second before going into the re-election mode
  • Leader can also send tasks to the coordinators by defining more Service methods.