
Hypothesis Statement

  • If Samsung increases their Weekly Advertisements then their Weekly Sales are expected to increase.
  • The mean sales of ad1 is 30,000 units per week which is our null hypothesis.

Step-by-step outline disproving hypothesis statement

To advocate our Hypothesis statement, we will need to run the t-test: • After loading the necessary library (openintro), we view the dataset “adanalysis1” for initial assessment. • For further assessment, we plot the “adanalysis1” dataset in a histogram and layout summary of statistics. • The t-test provides all the details including t value, data frame size, p value, alternative/null hypothesis, range of 95% confidence interval, sample estimates (mean). • When we run the t-test, if the obtained p-value matches the significance level then we will accept the null hypothesis, if not then we will reject it.

Summary of findings and conclusion

• As mentioned in the t test output, p-value (9.651e-05) is way less than the significance level (0.05), we reject the Null Hypothesis (Ho: µ =30000) and accept Alternative Hypothesis (Ha: µ ≠ 30000) • As a result, we reject the hypothesis statement: If Samsung increases their Weekly Advertisements then their Weekly Sales are expected to increase.