
  • Streamlit Authentication with Streamlit Authenticator:

Streamlit Authenticator offers a straightforward approach to user authentication within Streamlit applications. In this implementation, a custom database is created within the application to manage user credentials. Users can sign up for an account or log in with existing credentials. This approach provides a hands-on understanding of user interface (UI) design in Streamlit while handling user authentication and authorization.

  • FastAPI Authentication with JWT (JSON Web Tokens):
  • The main method is by Fast API where endpoints are defined. Upon successful authentication, a JWT token is generated and provided to the client, valid for a specified duration (here for 15 minutes). Subsequent requests to protected endpoints require including this token in the request headers. If the token expires, i have added and to implement the Postgres database with Fast API
  • I have uploaded with dummy database to secure my Postgres credentials.

This project is a Streamlit-based chatbot that leverages the LlamaIndex library to provide a conversational interface for querying and interacting with documents indexed from Google Drive. It uses OpenAI's GPT-3.5-turbo model to generate responses and Streamlit for the web interface.

Video Link:


Prerequisites Before running this project, some prerequisites need to be installed:

Python 3.6 or higher (i have used python==3.10.0) A virtual environment (recommended) Create a virtual environment:

python -m venv venv Activate the virtual environment:

On Windows: .\venv\Scripts\activate

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine

  2. Install the required dependencies using pip: pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. Set up your environment variables by creating a .env file in the root directory of the project. Add your OpenAI API key to the .env file:

  4. Create .streamlit folder and create secrets.toml and add open ai api key [openai_key=”sk-..”]


To launch the Streamlit application, run the following command in your terminal: streamlit run

Real time data fetching from google drive embedding and indexing is done by using gpt-3.5 turbo model (Here is Some snapshots of while i was testing the project).

UI of Intelligent Document Finder

Screenshot (53)

Here is the query response on my local machine during testing:

Login Page

Screenshot (612)

Register Page

Screenshot (614)

Main Page after Login

Screenshot (615)

Fast API

Screenshot (617)

Screenshot (54)

Flow chart

Google Drive (3)