Luminus database connection management and SQL query generation library
The library provides pooled connections using the HikariCP library.
The queries are generated using HugSQL and wrapped with connection aware functions.
Conman relies on a dynamic variable to manage the connection. The dynamic variable allows the connection to be rebound contextually for transactions. When working with multiple databases, a separate var is required to track each database connection.
SQL statements should be populated in files that are accessible on the resource path.
For example, we could create a file resources/sql/queries.sql
the following content:
-- :name create-user! :! :n
-- :doc creates a new user record
(id, first_name, last_name, email, pass)
VALUES (:id, :first_name, :last_name, :email, :pass)
-- :name get-user :? :1
-- :doc retrieve a user given the id.
WHERE id = :id
-- :name get-all-users :? :*
-- :doc retrieve all users.
See the official HugSQL docs for further examples.
The queries are bound to the connection using the bind-connection
macro. This macro
accepts the connection var followed by one or more strings representing SQL query files.
The lifecycle of the connection is expected to be managed using a library such as mount. The full list of options hat can be passed to pool-spec
can be found here.
(ns myapp.db
(:require [mount.core :refer [defstate]
[conman.core :as conman]))
(def pool-spec
{:jdbc-url "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/myapp?user=user&password=pass"})
(defstate ^:dynamic *db*
:start (conman/connect! pool-spec)
:stop (conman/disconnect! *db*))
(conman/bind-connection *db* "sql/queries.sql")
The bind-connection
generates create-user!
and get-user
in the current namespace. These functions can be called in four different ways:
;; when called with no argument then the HugSQL generated function
;; will be called with an empty parameter map and the connection specified in the *db* var
;; when a parameter map is passed as the argument, then the map and the connection specified
;; in the *db* var will be passed to the HugSQL generated function
(create-user! {:id "foo" :first_name "Bob" :last_name "Bobberton" :email nil :pass nil})
;; an explicit connection and a parameter map can be
;; passed to the function
(get-user some-other-conn {:id "foo"})
;; finally, an explicit connection and a parameter map, options, and optional command options
;; can be passed to the function
(get-user some-other-conn {:id "foo"} opts)
(get-user some-other-conn {:id "foo"} opts cmd-opt1 cmd-opt2)
Next, the connect!
function should be called to initialize the database connection.
The function accepts a map with the database specification.
(def pool-spec
{:jdbc-url "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/myapp?user=user&password=pass"})
(connect! pool-spec)
For the complete list of configuration options refer to the official hikari-cp library documentation. Conman supports the following additional options:
The connection can be terminated by running the disconnect!
(disconnect! conn)
A connection can be reset using the reconnect!
(reconnect! conn pool-spec)
When using a dynamic connection, it's possible to use the with-transaction
macro to rebind it to the transaction connection. The SQL query functions
generated by the bind-connection
macro will automatically use the transaction
connection in that case:
(with-transaction [conn]
(jdbc/db-set-rollback-only! conn)
{:id "foo"
:first_name "Sam"
:last_name "Smith"
:email ""})
(get-user {:id "foo"}))
The isolation level and readonly status of the transaction may be specified using the :isolation
and :read-only?
keys respectively:
[conn :isolation :serializable]
(.getTransactionIsolation (sql/db-connection conn))))
[conn :isolation :read-uncommitted]
(.getTransactionIsolation (sql/db-connection conn))))
Copyright © 2015 Dmitri Sotnikov and Carousel Apps Ltd.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.