
Repository for Data Challenge!

Primary LanguagePython

IMFS Data Engineering Challenge

Code Setup

# Code runs on python 3 or up
# Install required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt

#run the following file to create sqlite3 database and populate it with required data
#database file already added in project, ignore following file to run app directly
python3 processdata.py

# Visualize date
python3 app.py 


  • Section 1: Read data from yfinance api: refer to get_historical_info_single in dataprep.py

  • Section 2: Extract, Load and Transform Data

    • processdata.py handels all ETL process needed to load, transform and extract data to database.db (SQLite3 Database we will be using for the rest of the process)
  • Section 3:

    • Calculate daily value for index, refer to create_daily_index_open_close function in dataprep.py
    • Weighted Sector view for given date, refer to function return_sector_open_close_volume in apphelper.py
  • Section 4 Visualize: Run app.py to run Dash Application

    • App supports following visulization: Total index view from 2018 - August 2021, Given input date, sector distribution on relative weight basis

    Alt text

Utility functions

  • dbutils.py: Database utility function to query and write against database. Current code hardcodes database location in class, should be modified to pass another location

  • dataprep.py: Utility functions used to clean up data. Methods included:

    • getting historical pricing data from yfinance api [Extract]
    • processing historical pricing information for given ticker to preserver required information [Transform]
    • Function to create required tables in database with appropriate schema [Load]
    • Wrapper class to process and write data to database [ETL]
    • Function to populate database with index value calculation [Load]
  • apphelper.py: Utility functions used to query data from database and pass information to app server for display. Contains the following queries:

    • get_index_open_close: return the price weighted value of index open and close for input date
    • return_sector_open_close_volume: returns the percent weight of a sector contributing to the total index value for open and close on the given date, along with sector wise average volume
    • get_total_index: returns close value of index across all the dates present in the database


  • ticker_info: Table to store attributes relating to a given ticker
Column Datatype Constraint
ticker text Primary Key
isin text Primary Key
sector text
company_name text
  • historical_price: Table to store historical price of tickers starting 2018-present
Column Datatype Constraint
ticker text Primary Key
date text Primary Key
open real
close real
volume real
  • index_value: Table to store calculated historical index open and close
Column Datatype Constraint
date text Primary Key
index_open real
index_close real

Validate Tickers:

In order to check if constituents_history.pkl contains stock tickers, we use company_ticker.json file available at https://www.sec.gov/files/company_tickers.json. This file contains all companies traded on the US stock exchange along with their company names and tickers.


Additional Caveats

  • Since we do not have visiblity into index constituents for a given day, all valid tickers present in original file are assumed to make up the index (Price weighted Total stock index from the universe of all valid stocks)