• Clone the repo doing git clone [NAME_OF_YOUR_PROJECT]
  • Go to the project folder cd [NAME_OF_YOUR_PROJECT]
  • Delete the git folder rm -rf .git (this will delete the link with this remote and the history)
  • Init a new git project git init
  • Open the project on VSC code .
  • Stage and commit the project git add . && git -m commit "First commit"
  • Install dependencies npm i
  • Create the .env file based on the .env.template file



I have tried several ways to add colors, and make them semantic, but create all the variants (correctly) is no reasonable manually. Until I found a way to assign semantic names (i.e. "primary", "primary-soft", "primary-softer") tailwind colors programatically, I suggest:

  • Use the shadcn colors as they are.
  • Then, after project is more advanced, fine tune the colors and create the variants you need. This is also good for not rely too much on colors to emphasize, but on other ways like shadows, borders, icons, width, etc.

Some approaches I am considering: