
Run the django server:

Local Database Setup

  • cd loop_server
  • Enter mysql shell with mysql -u dg -p and type the password
  • set foreign_key_checks=0
  • Exit mysql shell exit
  • python manage.py sqlclear dashboard | python manage.py dbshell This clears the existing tables
  • Again enter mysql shell
  • set foreign_key_checks=1
  • Exit mysql shell exit
  • python manage.py syncdb Creates the tables corresponding to the models.py file
  • python populate_tables.py This populates tables with the data

Project Design

/loop_server/dashboard/models.py - Has the database models used in this project /loop_server/dashboard/api/resources.py - Has the definitions of TastyPie Resource Classes correponding the models' classes in models.py /loop_server/static/js/dashboard.js - Data manipulation functions and classes are present here /loop_server/dashboard/templates/base.html - Base template file made using django templating language /loop_server/dashboard/templates/home.html - Dashboard Home page. Contains the UI and corresponding javascript helper functions


  • django
  • TastyPie - Python library that helps making your django project RESTful with less code
  • Highcharts - Fast and efficient charting library used for making elegant charts
  • Materialize - A modern responsive front-end framework based on Material Design


  • Page doesn't show properly on mobile in portrait. In landscape it works fine
  • Highcharts make blunders if a chart is initialized in a div which in hidden. Therefore, show the div first and then initialize the chart

Sample Screenshots

showcase1 showcase2 showcase3