MCA Hub is a MERN stack-based department management platform designed to streamline communication and operations between the HOD, professors, and students. It includes roles for Admin, Professors, and Students, enabling functionalities like attendance management, marks assignment, and administrative tasks.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Streamline Department management, class organization, and add students and faculty.
Seamlessly track attendance, assess performance, and provide feedback.
Access records, view marks, and communicate effortlessly.

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The MCA-HUB is a web-based application built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack. It aims to streamline department management, class organization, and facilitate communication between students, teachers, and administrators.


  • User Roles: The system supports three user roles: Admin, Teacher, and Student. Each role has specific functionalities and access levels.

  • Admin Dashboard: Administrators(HOD) can add new students and teachers, create classes and subjects, manage user accounts, and oversee system settings.

  • Attendance Tracking: Professors can easily take attendance for their classes, mark students as present or absent, and generate attendance reports.

  • Performance Assessment: Professors can assess students' performance by providing marks and feedback. Students can view their marks and track their progress over time.

  • Data Visualization: Students can visualize their performance data through interactive charts and tables, helping them understand their academic performance at a glance.

  • Communication: Users can communicate effortlessly through the system. Professors can send messages to students and vice versa, promoting effective communication and collaboration.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: React.js, Material UI, Redux
  • Backend: Node.js, Express.js
  • Database: MongoDB Atlas


  • Render - server side
  • Netlify/Vercel - client side