
Python NLP program to analyze YouTube comments, including sentiment analysis, semantic similarity, question detection, and suggestion detection

Primary LanguagePython

YouTube Comment Analysis Tool


  1. Firstly, in order to run this program, you need to install Java and Python. This script was tested on Python version 3.8.10 and Java version 17.0.1.

  2. Moreover, the Stanford CoreNLP Parser version 4.2.2 is required for Part-Of-Speech (POS) tagging used in suggestion detection. This parser can be installed by running the installcorenlp.sh script in the project pirectory:


    Note: To run this command, 7z and wget should be installed on your machine.

    For more information on Stanford CoreNLP Parser, visit you can visit the official site for the same.

  3. Furthermore, this project requires several Python packages. In order to install these packages, activate a relevant Python package manager like Anaconda or a Python virtual environment and run the following command in the project directory:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. In order to access YouTube comments of specific videos, this project uses the YouTube Data API. Therefore, a YouTube API key will be required to run this project, which can be obtained by following the instructions on the official YouTube API page. After getting the API key, execute the following command in the project directory, replacing {API_KEY} with your own API key.

    echo "YOUTUBE_API_SECRET_KEY = {API_KEY}" >> .env
  5. Since we will need to compare every comment against every other for semantic similarity in order to segregate similar comments into categories, the computation required to assess the semantic similarity should be fast. In order to do this, we can quantize the pretrained BERT model finetuned on the MRPC semantic textual similarity dataset. The quantized BERT model can be directly installed in the correct directory by running the installquantizedbert.sh script in the project directory:


    Note: Ensure that the pip packages are installed before running this script because this script uses gdown, a pip package. If you want to quantize the model from scratch, then you can run the command python3 nlp/semantic_textual_similarity/make_quantized_bert_model.py. However, this will take time and is not reccomended.

Getting Started

Start the Stanford CoreNLP Parser by running the following command in the project directory:


Now to run the project, you need to execute the main.py script in another terminal.

If there are no further arguments, the script will analyze the comments written in the examples.txt file in the project directory:

python3 main.py

This should produce the following output: image

However, in order to process comments from real YouTube videos, you need to provide the video id of the video as a command line argument. The video id of a video can be obtained by the last section of a URL after the v=. For example, the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oSsLbh_Kv4 has video id 0oSsLbh_Kv4 and the following command will be used to analyze the comments of that video:

python3 main.py 0oSsLbh_Kv4

Social Media Comments Analysis TODO

  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Sematic Textual Similarity
  • Question Detection
  • Suggestion Detection
  • Language Translation & Transliteration


POS tagging was implemented using the StanfordCoreNLP Parser.

Any pretrained transformers are from the HuggingFace Transformers Hub.

In order to get comments from YouTube, the YouTube Data API was used.